Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lenten Series 2

March 5, 2008

Patience is indeed a virtue. Remember years ago when the common phrase was, "Please be patient. God isn't finished with me yet"? I look back over my years and my head shakes at the impatience I experienced. I would like to think that years have taught me better and perhaps they have. I have also come to the realization, if I am a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, then patience needs to be a large part of my character. For me, when I am impatient, I also have the tendency to not be in my kindest state.

What about Jesus during His time on the earth? He always showed love, patience and kindness. Even leading up to His approaching death, He spoke with kindness and love. He continued to teach, I am sure with great fervor. He knew His time was running out with His followers, and He wanted to make sure they knew His lessons, His purpose.

During these final weeks of Lent, I pray that we place ourselves in situations that will cause us to be patient. If there is a long line in the store, traffic to be dealt with, a deadline we must meet, friends and family having more needs than usual, appointments to schedule, a house to clean, food to cook, a car that needs repair; let us remember: that is nothing compared to Jesus going to the cross, because He loves us. He endured without complaint.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending your Son so that I may have life. May I, every day, continue to be grateful for your love. When I am impatient, please stop me and remind me, that I am your child and that love is patient. In Jesus' name. Amen
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola, FL


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