During this season of Lent, I would like to focus on some of the emotions that Jesus must have felt during the 40 days prior to His death. He was the Son of God, in a human body, having a human experience. He felt every emotion that humankind would ever feel.
The first emotion that comes to mind is that of humility. Jesus knew who He was, He knew the authority and power He had, yet He was willing to humble Himself. Matt 23:12 reminds us that those who exalt themselves shall be humbled and the humble shall be raised to honor. Here, as throughout Jesus' teaching, He practiced what He preached. The only time there is evidence of Jesus mentioning His power, it was against the enemy, when His Kingdom was in need of protection of pride.
The next emotion that we will look at this week is trust. Jesus hand picked His closest followers. They did not pick Him. Each of them had issues of personality. Many of these issues were tamed by the trust that Jesus placed in them. Yet, He knew from the beginning, He would be denied and He would be betrayed. Even though He knew He could not trust, 100%, His human followers, he never lost trust in His Father. Perhaps there are a couple of wonderful Lenten lessons here. Do we show more trust in people, than we do in God? Do we attempt to "tame a personality" with the love of God?
I would like to encourage each and every one of you, during this Lenten Season, to make a special effort to try to place yourself in the emotional surroundings of Jesus, through prayer. Remember, He kept in obedience to His Father's will. He sought FIRST the kingdom of God ( Matt 6:33) AND His righteousness...and THEN all these things shall be added unto you.
Prayer is key to be able to move out of flesh and into Spirit.
Each and everyone of you will be in my prayers everyday. I commit and promise that. I call for an increase in your spiritual life during this Lenten Season. I ask the Holy Spirit to dwell in you, protect you and open your eyes, hearts and ears. I decree this season will be one of spiritual growth that will be so vast, that you will never be the same. Your life will increase so that you will serve Him, every minute of everday and He will get all the glory. In Jesus' name, Amen
God Bless you,
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC, Pensacola, FL