Ok, so I am not a blogger. I admit it. I also do not believe in New Year's Resolutions, I admit it! I do believe in goals. Not too many mind you. Too many make me overwhelmed and I am at my worst when in that condition.
It is funny how the Lord works. Every year at this time, it seems we are "encouraged" to look into that closet and discard anything we have not worn in the past few years. Well, maybe next week! But the Lord worked in me, through my pantry. I am blessed to have a very large kitchen pantry. Too large. Too large for me means, you have no idea what in the world is in there. Well, I had a can that decided it had seen better days and sprang a leak! Of course it was hidden in the back corner, I don't look in the corners of my pantry very often. From my Italian relatives, I know better than to leave tomato anything in a pantry too long. Acid and metal do tend to divorce chemically after a while. So, for the past few hours I have been throwing out and scrubbing. The contents of my pantry is all over my kitchen counters. It is a mess, but I am blessed to have found it!
As I was cleaning, I was thinking prayer life, or any other part of life, is like my pantry or any other "holding area". Sometimes, things need to be refreshed, washed off, discarded, or put up front so they can be of their utmost use. I can not hold on to things that no longer produce good seed in my life. If it no longer fits, God will remind us in many different ways. Like the can, God reminds me through my being, when I have sprung a leak! Take out the trash! I am blessed today that I know when things need to be better balanced and refreshed. I know I can do something about it. But, it is all in listening, for me at least. So, I have decided, not as a New Year's Resolution mind you, but as a goal, to start in the corners, check out the small stuff and work toward the center. That way...perhaps in no time at all, all the trash will be out, nothing hidden and can explode!
Happy New Year to you all
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Alive and Well
The only way I am able to answer your email is via the blog. Yes, MCC does still exist and we would love for you to visit us. I am sure you will find a warm welcome.
Please check out the entire web site and you will see what else is going on in addition to Sunday service. Please continue to try to call the office. Someone is there each day, so your call should be answered. If you do make it to service, please make sure you introduce yourself to me. Would enjoy meeting you.
The only way I am able to answer your email is via the blog. Yes, MCC does still exist and we would love for you to visit us. I am sure you will find a warm welcome.
Please check out the entire web site and you will see what else is going on in addition to Sunday service. Please continue to try to call the office. Someone is there each day, so your call should be answered. If you do make it to service, please make sure you introduce yourself to me. Would enjoy meeting you.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Lorretta gave me a "Do"
Thank you so much, Lorretta, for the new look of the Prayer Minister Blog. " You be cooking with gas, girlfriend!"
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Pastor's Sabbatical
I remember as a child hearing the priests talk of taking a Sabbatical. Seems they always went to Rome and during the Sabbatical, a car dealer in town would give them a new car. Well, Pastor Sandy will not be enroute to Rome and the new car...who knows! Any lottery winners out there?
I encourage each and every one of you to keep Pastor in prayer during this time. This is a time of rest, study and rebuilding for her. If you were at "Send off Sunday" today, you know she asked the Lord to direct her time. That is something I feel all people should do. We live in a hectic world and hundreds of distractions can cross our path on a daily basis. Let us also keep in prayer all the people that Pastor Sandy has entrusted with duties in her absence. This can also be a time when we can reach out and help each other. Let us also ask the Lord to direct our steps, words and actions. Let us all be stronger when our Pastor, our friend returns.
God bless you, Sandy
I encourage each and every one of you to keep Pastor in prayer during this time. This is a time of rest, study and rebuilding for her. If you were at "Send off Sunday" today, you know she asked the Lord to direct her time. That is something I feel all people should do. We live in a hectic world and hundreds of distractions can cross our path on a daily basis. Let us also keep in prayer all the people that Pastor Sandy has entrusted with duties in her absence. This can also be a time when we can reach out and help each other. Let us also ask the Lord to direct our steps, words and actions. Let us all be stronger when our Pastor, our friend returns.
God bless you, Sandy
Friday, April 25, 2008
National Prayer Day Approaching
May 1st is our National Day of Prayer. Just thought I would give you a few days to think about what is in your heart. I was wondering if perhaps it might be worth some thought to think about our needs on a smaller scale. When we think of the "nation", of course, peace would be right at the top of the list. That is something very valuable to me and an issue I address in prayer daily. I know, peace must begin with me. So, with that in mind, I will begin the day praying for peace of mind for all those who are in my circle.....and friends, I have learned, that means I will be praying for myself as well.
May any issue of peace that you are dealing with be given to the King of Peace.
Again, you remain in my prayers.
Pat Howes
Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola FL.
May any issue of peace that you are dealing with be given to the King of Peace.
Again, you remain in my prayers.
Pat Howes
Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola FL.
Friday, April 18, 2008
We Are Called To Be Like Children
I am so blessed to tutor 2 afternoons a week. I have 2 of the greatest children on the face of the earth to share life with me. One, Annie, I have worked with for over 2 years. Annie represents what I think the Lord was talking about when He spoke of being like a child. She loves life, she has to work hard, friends are few but those she has are cherished gifts, she hurts when others hurt, she never brags, never says an unkind word. Even when she is trying to explain something that has happened, she never blames or speaks ill of others. She is quite a remarkable 11 year old.
Yesterday we were working on some Math, which was mastered on Tuesday and forgotten by Wednesday. I asked her to try to explain to me why she got confused, was she mixing the concepts perhaps? After attempting to explain, she just looked at me and said, " I don't know, it just blew out of my brain." Annie also has a great sense of humor, we both laughed.
My brain got to thinking after I left Annie, just what has been blown out of my brain! I got to thinking, what would I never want to give up knowing, believing. I realized after coming up with a rather long list, the only thing I never want to "blow out of my brain" is the fact that I have the 24/7 love of my God. All the rest, as important as it seems, is really not that important. Does that mean I do not have important information, memories, dates, names, knowledge stored? Of course not. We all have information stored that we deal with on a daily basis, some information on a back burner, and some ready at a moments notice. But what is really important?
May God bless each of you.
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola, FL
Yesterday we were working on some Math, which was mastered on Tuesday and forgotten by Wednesday. I asked her to try to explain to me why she got confused, was she mixing the concepts perhaps? After attempting to explain, she just looked at me and said, " I don't know, it just blew out of my brain." Annie also has a great sense of humor, we both laughed.
My brain got to thinking after I left Annie, just what has been blown out of my brain! I got to thinking, what would I never want to give up knowing, believing. I realized after coming up with a rather long list, the only thing I never want to "blow out of my brain" is the fact that I have the 24/7 love of my God. All the rest, as important as it seems, is really not that important. Does that mean I do not have important information, memories, dates, names, knowledge stored? Of course not. We all have information stored that we deal with on a daily basis, some information on a back burner, and some ready at a moments notice. But what is really important?
May God bless each of you.
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola, FL
Friday, April 4, 2008
Words Can Kill
Words can kill everything from a reputation to a person's spirit. Lord, please protect my mouth from spreading death. The following is borrowed from the "Vision of Ministry"
Pat Howes...Prayer Minister
"Scripture: Leviticus 19:16
"Don't spread gossip and rumors” MSG
According to the dictionary I am known as “general talk that is damaging to one’s reputation.”
And when I speak --- you better believe people stop whatever they are doing and listen: My Name Is Gossip.I am nobody's friendI maim without killingI gather strength with ageI am cunning and maliciousI break hearts and ruin livesI have no respect for justiceI make headlinesI make headachesI make heartachesI ruin careersI end ministriesI generate griefI ruin marriagesI destroy familiesI spawn suspicionI trigger indigestionI topple governmentsI cause sleepless nightsI make innocent people cryThe more I am quotedThe more I am believedI flourish everywhere I goMy victims are helplessI have no name and no faceTo track me down is impossibleThe harder you try, the more elusive I becomeOnce I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same
Shop gossipParty gossipOffice gossipChurch gossipOn-line gossipTelephone gossipBefore passing on a questionable story ask:Is it true?Is it fair?Is it necessary?Would I want this said about me?"
Prayer: Father help me to speak words of respect, love and kindness that reflect you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Pat Howes...Prayer Minister
"Scripture: Leviticus 19:16
"Don't spread gossip and rumors” MSG
According to the dictionary I am known as “general talk that is damaging to one’s reputation.”
And when I speak --- you better believe people stop whatever they are doing and listen: My Name Is Gossip.I am nobody's friendI maim without killingI gather strength with ageI am cunning and maliciousI break hearts and ruin livesI have no respect for justiceI make headlinesI make headachesI make heartachesI ruin careersI end ministriesI generate griefI ruin marriagesI destroy familiesI spawn suspicionI trigger indigestionI topple governmentsI cause sleepless nightsI make innocent people cryThe more I am quotedThe more I am believedI flourish everywhere I goMy victims are helplessI have no name and no faceTo track me down is impossibleThe harder you try, the more elusive I becomeOnce I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same
Shop gossipParty gossipOffice gossipChurch gossipOn-line gossipTelephone gossipBefore passing on a questionable story ask:Is it true?Is it fair?Is it necessary?Would I want this said about me?"
Prayer: Father help me to speak words of respect, love and kindness that reflect you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Second Day
During the time of Jesus, may people on the day after His death, I am sure were filled with many emotions. Some, I am sure, were glad to be rid of the conflict of the man. Many more, I imagine were feeling remorse for their actions, feelings, or perhaps thinking if they could have done more. They, like Jesus, were all part of the plan. Every person played a role in teaching us about our "new life". Jesus died a terrible, painful death, so we may have Life. So, it is with humble mind, I ask myself this morning, could I be doing more? could I be more encouraging? more supportive? more forgiving? less critical and more helpful? gentle? kind? strong? This my friends, is Life...for me.
As I sat on my deck, in prayer, yesterday morning, I was blessed by a visitor. The most beautiful ruby throated hummingbird...the first of the season. I loudly thanked God for His presence, as hummingbirds and I go way back in symbolism. He came back again this morning and as I smiled and thanked the Lord, I knew it was time to prepare the feeders. See, it is my job, to feed what I love. Think I will support, encourage, forgive, be gentle, ...I think you get the idea! Let each and every person in your life know how valued they are. We are not promised tomorrow.
I love you and hold you all in prayer
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola FL
As I sat on my deck, in prayer, yesterday morning, I was blessed by a visitor. The most beautiful ruby throated hummingbird...the first of the season. I loudly thanked God for His presence, as hummingbirds and I go way back in symbolism. He came back again this morning and as I smiled and thanked the Lord, I knew it was time to prepare the feeders. See, it is my job, to feed what I love. Think I will support, encourage, forgive, be gentle, ...I think you get the idea! Let each and every person in your life know how valued they are. We are not promised tomorrow.
I love you and hold you all in prayer
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola FL
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The True Meaning of Love
Well, I asked for patience and it was given. I wrote an entry and it is off in cyberspace somewhere!
Holy Thursday and Good Friday are two of the most reflective days for me. How can anyone love me so much? I was told many years ago, by a spiritual mentor, if I had been the only person in the world, Jesus would have died on the cross for me. Those words, uttered to me back in the early 80's, changed my life.
I would like to encourage everyone to do some reflective reading during this Holy Week. Psalm 22 as well as the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus suffered beyond belief, for each and every one us. That is the true meaning of love...and it continues...come Sunday.
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola FL
Holy Thursday and Good Friday are two of the most reflective days for me. How can anyone love me so much? I was told many years ago, by a spiritual mentor, if I had been the only person in the world, Jesus would have died on the cross for me. Those words, uttered to me back in the early 80's, changed my life.
I would like to encourage everyone to do some reflective reading during this Holy Week. Psalm 22 as well as the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus suffered beyond belief, for each and every one us. That is the true meaning of love...and it continues...come Sunday.
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola FL
Friday, March 14, 2008
Holy Spirit Detour!
As I prepare to write in this blog, I spend many days in prayer. I have come to the decision that it reminds me of the 35 years that I have prepared lesson plans. I have never been one to "stay in the plan" just because the topic has been given. As I have said before, I must listen and the Holy Spirit sends me!
There are three things that have been placed in my heart to write about. I share them, you are free as always, to do what whatever is placed within you.
Personally, I tire of hearing people speak
TO the negative of this world. Do you realize if we listen to the majority of "experts", we as a nation, will be suffering financially for the next 8-10 years. Many times, I find "experts" like opinions. I believe we can make a difference in our thinking. I have chosen to "speak to" prosperity, to take authority over the negative words and in faith, believe that this country will turn around much quicker than expected. I believe the promise written, we have not because we ask not. I, in faith, am asking. I am in Thanksgiving, for it is done.
Also, all appreciate it when our people are blessed. Here is a challenge...again, if it is in your heart, bless you! I would like to see the food pantry overflowing by Frienship Sunday. Perhaps ask someone whom you have invited, to bring a few cans of food. Lastly, Holy Cross MCC helps more people than we will ever know. I, again in faith, call for a growth in the Benevolent Fund. For me, this will not be, in place of my tithe, but in addition to. Even a dollar here or there can make a difference. Please don't forget our pet ministry too. Talk about loyality. But that, is another topic.
All of you, as promised, are prayed for each and every day. Please keep me in prayer.
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola, FL
There are three things that have been placed in my heart to write about. I share them, you are free as always, to do what whatever is placed within you.
Personally, I tire of hearing people speak
TO the negative of this world. Do you realize if we listen to the majority of "experts", we as a nation, will be suffering financially for the next 8-10 years. Many times, I find "experts" like opinions. I believe we can make a difference in our thinking. I have chosen to "speak to" prosperity, to take authority over the negative words and in faith, believe that this country will turn around much quicker than expected. I believe the promise written, we have not because we ask not. I, in faith, am asking. I am in Thanksgiving, for it is done.
Also, all appreciate it when our people are blessed. Here is a challenge...again, if it is in your heart, bless you! I would like to see the food pantry overflowing by Frienship Sunday. Perhaps ask someone whom you have invited, to bring a few cans of food. Lastly, Holy Cross MCC helps more people than we will ever know. I, again in faith, call for a growth in the Benevolent Fund. For me, this will not be, in place of my tithe, but in addition to. Even a dollar here or there can make a difference. Please don't forget our pet ministry too. Talk about loyality. But that, is another topic.
All of you, as promised, are prayed for each and every day. Please keep me in prayer.
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola, FL
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Lenten Series 2
March 5, 2008
Patience is indeed a virtue. Remember years ago when the common phrase was, "Please be patient. God isn't finished with me yet"? I look back over my years and my head shakes at the impatience I experienced. I would like to think that years have taught me better and perhaps they have. I have also come to the realization, if I am a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, then patience needs to be a large part of my character. For me, when I am impatient, I also have the tendency to not be in my kindest state.
What about Jesus during His time on the earth? He always showed love, patience and kindness. Even leading up to His approaching death, He spoke with kindness and love. He continued to teach, I am sure with great fervor. He knew His time was running out with His followers, and He wanted to make sure they knew His lessons, His purpose.
During these final weeks of Lent, I pray that we place ourselves in situations that will cause us to be patient. If there is a long line in the store, traffic to be dealt with, a deadline we must meet, friends and family having more needs than usual, appointments to schedule, a house to clean, food to cook, a car that needs repair; let us remember: that is nothing compared to Jesus going to the cross, because He loves us. He endured without complaint.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending your Son so that I may have life. May I, every day, continue to be grateful for your love. When I am impatient, please stop me and remind me, that I am your child and that love is patient. In Jesus' name. Amen
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola, FL
Patience is indeed a virtue. Remember years ago when the common phrase was, "Please be patient. God isn't finished with me yet"? I look back over my years and my head shakes at the impatience I experienced. I would like to think that years have taught me better and perhaps they have. I have also come to the realization, if I am a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, then patience needs to be a large part of my character. For me, when I am impatient, I also have the tendency to not be in my kindest state.
What about Jesus during His time on the earth? He always showed love, patience and kindness. Even leading up to His approaching death, He spoke with kindness and love. He continued to teach, I am sure with great fervor. He knew His time was running out with His followers, and He wanted to make sure they knew His lessons, His purpose.
During these final weeks of Lent, I pray that we place ourselves in situations that will cause us to be patient. If there is a long line in the store, traffic to be dealt with, a deadline we must meet, friends and family having more needs than usual, appointments to schedule, a house to clean, food to cook, a car that needs repair; let us remember: that is nothing compared to Jesus going to the cross, because He loves us. He endured without complaint.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending your Son so that I may have life. May I, every day, continue to be grateful for your love. When I am impatient, please stop me and remind me, that I am your child and that love is patient. In Jesus' name. Amen
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC Pensacola, FL
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Prayer Ministry Lenten Message #1

During this season of Lent, I would like to focus on some of the emotions that Jesus must have felt during the 40 days prior to His death. He was the Son of God, in a human body, having a human experience. He felt every emotion that humankind would ever feel.
The first emotion that comes to mind is that of humility. Jesus knew who He was, He knew the authority and power He had, yet He was willing to humble Himself. Matt 23:12 reminds us that those who exalt themselves shall be humbled and the humble shall be raised to honor. Here, as throughout Jesus' teaching, He practiced what He preached. The only time there is evidence of Jesus mentioning His power, it was against the enemy, when His Kingdom was in need of protection of pride.
The next emotion that we will look at this week is trust. Jesus hand picked His closest followers. They did not pick Him. Each of them had issues of personality. Many of these issues were tamed by the trust that Jesus placed in them. Yet, He knew from the beginning, He would be denied and He would be betrayed. Even though He knew He could not trust, 100%, His human followers, he never lost trust in His Father. Perhaps there are a couple of wonderful Lenten lessons here. Do we show more trust in people, than we do in God? Do we attempt to "tame a personality" with the love of God?
I would like to encourage each and every one of you, during this Lenten Season, to make a special effort to try to place yourself in the emotional surroundings of Jesus, through prayer. Remember, He kept in obedience to His Father's will. He sought FIRST the kingdom of God ( Matt 6:33) AND His righteousness...and THEN all these things shall be added unto you.
Prayer is key to be able to move out of flesh and into Spirit.
Each and everyone of you will be in my prayers everyday. I commit and promise that. I call for an increase in your spiritual life during this Lenten Season. I ask the Holy Spirit to dwell in you, protect you and open your eyes, hearts and ears. I decree this season will be one of spiritual growth that will be so vast, that you will never be the same. Your life will increase so that you will serve Him, every minute of everday and He will get all the glory. In Jesus' name, Amen
God Bless you,
Pat Howes Prayer Minister Holy Cross MCC, Pensacola, FL
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